Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Because It Was The Idea To Begin With

I've been really back and forth about this blog. 
Some moments it's all, "Let me do my small part to help make 
the world a bit better for someone, at least!" 
But at other moments, it's more, "I'm an idiot, and let me prove that for the eternal, 
public catacombs of the internet to display!" 

        But that was part of the reason I created this, to begin with. Well, not so much that last part, but since the idea was to overcome fears and try to help others in the process...I guess this project is coming along swimmingly - at least in the sense I'm pushing past the fear of the unseen eyes peering deep into my vulnerability, in order to help give hope to at least someone who could use something I ramble toward something good. Um, go me! I think?

Anybody else out there? Anybody want to take a leap and join me in the effort?

        Oh yeah, that reminds me. While I'm whining about my semi-shameless (partly-shameful) self-promotion, I might as well add (in the event someone actually reads this thing and is interested lol) that as a result of some friends of mine wishing to bond together in an effort of trying to retain a positive outlook on life, a Facebook community page has been created to help us all do just that. Here's the link:

       Easy enough, right? Come and enjoy meeting friends who are trying to stay focused on not giving up on the light in life, if you'd like. We are all in this together, after all.

        I'm not a hypocrite, you know...I'm proving I know that life is usually easier said than done. But that doesn't mean I can't at least try, right?

Better day tomorrow, my friends.

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