Monday, September 15, 2014

Out of Dreams, Into Life...Then Into Life, Go the Dreams!

Can you believe we've been at this for 33 weeks?
Um...well...I think I skipped a week there, so whether or not you consider that 33 or 34...

Okay, that really has nothing to do with anything.  
Shall we get started?

"Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination,
Your creativity, or your curiosity.
It's your place in the world; it's your life.
Go on and do all you can with it,
and make it the life you want to live."
~ Mae C. Jemison

        In this section of her book, "Motivational Mondays", Christine Morgan mentions that people can sometimes allow others to steal their joy, creativity or curiosity, and sometimes those others don't really realize they're doing it!  Pragmatism, or practicality, can really take the shine off of someone's dreams and hopes!  Her prompting:

Dream big this week,
and own your place in this world!
        Where would any of us be without predecessors who allowed themselves to dream, think and discover, despite the chastisement of others who felt dreaming big was inappropriate?  How much would science have progressed?  Medicine?  Exploration?  The understanding of the human condition?  Would we even be able to read these words, right now?  How much of what we have is owed to the people who let their dreams and curiosities lead their way?

        This is not an easy thing for me.  The topic, I mean.  Dreaming, and such.  I've had a lot of experience that has taught me not to dream, actually.  Between my upbringing and life experience...I've learned to be pragmatic and refine skills like making do, and being grateful for the little things!

        At first, as I composed this post, my mind started listing all the negative reasons why "dreaming big" has been kind of cut short.  But that isn't the point of the PB Project; so... I've begun here, again, in order to hopefully grasp a more positive and constructive perspective!

...I'm having a challenge with it, though, for some reason.

...and I'm realizing I'm a bit of a hypocrite, too.  Eek!

        I'm really big on encouraging others to dream and turn those dreams into goals toward which they can achieve.  But do I, for myself?  I'm actually pretty laid back about it.  These days, in fact, I've a hard time even looking too far into the future, because for me, the future looms distant, a bit gray and dim like a storm coming in from far off on the landscape.  My present sometimes feels challenging enough, with the little things tying up time and attention, and having to deal with physical, mental and emotional inconsistency.  Much of the time, my thoughts don't include the future, because I'm not even sure I'll have a long-distant future, here, as it is!

        Sounds kind of pessimistic, I know.  I just try to see things as they are, and try not to be concerned about things I can't control. That has been a great deal due to my anti-anxiety training; it is easier to face anxiety if we are able to mindfully accept what is with as little judgment as possible.  I have pain, weakness and lack of endurance; and it doesn't look great for ever being able to function higher than I do - actually, it is degenerative, so my goals feel that I'm simply running to not go backwards, quite so fast.

So how do I put the shiny dreams into the picture?

        Well, let's see...there is the PB Project, itself!  The PB Facebook community has been growing by leaps and bounds, filled with amazing people with beautiful and loving hearts, who inspire me every day.  I think my time, energy and effort there are worth what I give them.  How could I think otherwise?  The entire thing is a volunteer effort, but given my current situational context, I'm happy to keep moving forward, since it feeds not only my soul, but those of others, by their own reports!

        I am also currently engaged in educational experiences to help me move forward in my own, personal progress, which hopefully will prepare me for the next opportunity that presents itself.  Really, that is what we should all be doing: preparing ourselves in areas we love, so that if something comes along that would provide us with joy and a sense of accomplishment, we will be ready to embrace it!

        Honestly...I'm not sure what to say, in terms of this section that wasn't really a question to begin, but it has me thinking toward hopeful progress toward the future - which is exactly the point!  So yay me!  I inadvertently did what I'd aimed to do!  Hah!  I suppose that means I'm still looking forward to...

        Better days ahead, my friends!

©The Phoenix and The Butterfly

©The Phoenix and The Butterfly

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