Monday, November 16, 2015

I Believe in Hope and the Power of the Inner Spirit

        Because of the chaos of both my own experience, and that of all around, this is what I have to say about the chaos of life and the darkness in this world, so evidenced by events like the ones of this past week.

        When massive, devastating things happen, people have a tendency to respond emotionally, even halfway across the world, where they aren't directly involved.  Humans are humans, wherever they are, and we are genetically communal in some way, regardless of our differences.  With the huge influence of social media, news is instant, response is immediate, and emotions are quick to surface.  We react with various forms of shock, including versions of "fight or flight": in extremes, some furious and attacking anyone and anything we think is wrong with this world, including people with simply differing opinions, and especially on social media; or others overridden by terror, withdrawing and developing symptoms resembling Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), dancing with What Ifs, wondering if something unexpected and horrible will happen to us, too?

With all kinds of these things happening,
all at once, all over the world...
Well, yeah, it's messy.

        More personally, I've found the micro-devastations to be just as traumatic on us, individually, as the more massive ones are to the grander scale.  They wreak havoc on our minds, hearts, bodies, abilities to function/work, relationships, faith, perspectives on life... the lengths of time vary, but often it can take months, even years to process and release hurts that happen even in our everyday lives, depending on the scale as experienced within us.  Unfortunately, there is no, specific way to process things and heal, which can be frustrating, to ourselves and those around us.
With all of this going on,
within us and in our everyday lives...
Well, yeah, it's messy!

        Whichever, whatever, however and whenever, we're all affected by something, and it takes a toll on our psyches.  Being drained to the point of physical, mental and emotional exhaustion comes too easily, attempting to get back to living a semblance of what was "normal" before all this mess began, trying to ignore the huge fact that that sense of what was normal will likely never be that way again, or at least for some time.  Things change, and that change can be as difficult as dealing with the thing which caused the change!

        It is rather common to experience this phenomenon, but how we actually live it varies.  Sometimes we're so set on pushing through it all, we don't notice the signs that we're far, more spent than we want to admit.  For me, and many others, for instance, life becomes much dimmer, more difficult, and feels more "monochrome".  I'm more easily tired, have much less energy, get sick more often and am more sensitive to pain, than when I'm healthier.  I might be more ornery, less patient, quicker to lose my temper and with more anger than usual.  Often I begin to pull away, into myself, not having my usual ability to sincerely enjoy being with and around other people; being around others starts to feel like it drains me more than feeds me.

        And in walks an interesting, and perhaps unexpected remedy:

In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. 
It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. 
We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.

~ Albert Schweitzer

        If you've ever met someone whose life and mindset fit so well with yours, it's like you can talk endlessly as though you'd always known each other, and are the best of friends - kindred spirits, even - then you are very fortunate, indeed.  These people are the ones whose presence revitalize us, feed us and rejuvenate us, even when it feels like the rest of the world is the exact opposite.  It can be wonderful, and yet sometimes disorienting at the same time!  But these friendships, which may become a kind of extended family, or as a dear friend from New Zealand taught me, "whanau", are a very special gift, and worth knowing, as healing and growth can happen on both sides.

        This can be one of the best and most effective means of healing the heart after something traumatic and painful has occurred.  Being able to talk to someone who knows how to actively but respectfully listen, who understands, and whose heart helps cradle yours while it heals, is priceless.  And even if you don't think you've experienced it, keep hope, as it is still possible for you.

        Often when tragedy strikes, of any description or dimension, we feel helpless to know how to help anyone.  We don't know what is needed, whom to help, nor how to be effective.  But the good news is that we can be those people who rekindle the inner spirit for those whose inner fire goes out.  We can learn to be the listeners, the caring ones, the trustworthy hearts who connect and help heal, too.  

The truth is, my friends, we're all broken, at least a little.
We all have our cracks and bruises and tattered pieces.
If we've outlived childhood, then there is little chance 
we could have escaped some form of them.

And therein lies our gift.

        As I mentioned before, we humans are genetically "wired" to be communal creatures, and by combining our strengths and our abilities, we can help build up against the weaknesses and failings in others areas.  We are more because we are together.  And that is one of the reasons we humans have been able to create the internet!  ...Among other things!

        We each have different strengths within us, and each have different experience.  However, some of our experiences are similar enough for developing empathy for others, and many of our strengths can help strengthen others.  If willing, we can help be those who help rekindle the inner fire of those around us who might be struggling.  A listening ear and a kind heart can do more good than we can sometimes even imagine, if that is what someone needs the most.  A gentle hug in an open, vulnerable moment can be as healing as any medicine.  Simply having love inside enough to want to help, can illuminate simple ways that may not seem like much, but could actually mean the world to the hearts who desperately need them.

        This time of year is a great time to start looking for ways to practice, as many people gear up to celebrate a season of love and goodwill, including service and other opportunities to help their communities; and the recent events dimming the inner fire of so many across the world certainly provide more than ample need for your gifts and strengths.  I've found that in many cases, being able to find a place where my love and abilities are needed and appreciated, makes all the difference to my own light within.  

My friends, be the light and fire which kindles the hope back into this world.
Be the peace which inspires other to seek and create peace.
Be the compassion which helps others to feel strong enough to share their own.
Be the love which spreads though the light in your eyes to the hearts of those around you.
Be the gentleness which softens the pain and diffuses the anger.
Be the goodness which balances against all that is not so.
Be the hope which shows this world that there is hope.
Be one of those people who rekindle the inner spirit.

Be you, because your heart is beautiful.
Be you, because you are the hope of this world.
That is what you have within you.
That is what you have to give.

        I know that together, we can make this happen.  I believe we can.  I believe in us.  I believe in hope, and I believe that it is within us.

        Better days ahead, my friends!

©The Phoenix and The Butterfly

©The Phoenix and The Butterfly

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