Sunday, April 19, 2015

Life's Renewal in the Flow of Change

        Here in my little corner of the world, Spring is having a bit of a bumpy start, but I see the life around me trying to renew itself, and it doesn't matter what the weather tries to throw at it; the life continues trying to grow and continue with its tasks of existence.  I do realize in other corners of the world, the changes grow colder, which in and of itself is still life moving through its cycles, if only taking a few moments to rest and catch its breath.

So... the constant of change continues.

And it continues in every life, one way or another.

        In this rhythmic flowing, growing, changing, slowing, then repeating the pattern, we can find it helps us mark the passage of time, and helps us regulate our own tasks as we move about, trying to fulfill our existence.  The changing of these seasons from one extreme to the other is a perfect time to review and renew our aims toward the goals, and even resolutions, we've previously made for ourselves.  

Life is like a flowing stream; once the flow stops, our life becomes stagnant.
When we remove the dams and debris we have accumulated and encourage it to flow freely,
it becomes a source of sustenance and renewal and growth for us 
and for all with whom we share it. 

~ Tom Hackett

        When I read this little passage, I couldn't help but be reminded of the things in my life that have been in the process of changing for a while now.  Some of the changes have been rather dramatic, as if a sudden snow storm blew in during what should be summer!  Others have been more gradual, like a bulb extending stems and leaves, absorbing the light to feed a slowly emerging bloom.  There have even been changes mixing the two, in myriad ways!  I never know what to expect next, these days.

        The challenge, for me, is that I'm not really good with change.  I tend to find a rhythm for my being, and then feel most comfortable (and safe) in maintaining that rhythm, even if some progress is made beyond the flow.  There have been times when dramatic changes have sent me spinning, scared and disoriented, and for some time unable to find a grasp on how to create a new rhythm that coordinates with the new changes.  Others simply disrupt for a short time, and I am able to adapt and move on with things, relatively quickly.  Life has taught me to adapt, and so I do my best.

        In reality, everyone has their comfort zone.  We all find our own way of feeling safe and secure, and we tend to not like stepping out of that range.  But as Tom Hackett wisely noted, if we don't keep moving forward, we grow "stagnant".  Stagnant marshes are full of life, but I wouldn't want to walk barefoot in one!  I would prefer a river or stream, where the water flows clear.  

So how do we identify and remove the "dams and debris",
in order for our lives to "flow freely"?  
We don't like change, and yet the very nature of life is change.  
How do we find the courage to allow our lives to move forward?  
And what are these things that block our flow, anyway?

        To be rather honest, I'm not really, particularly easy about writing this one.  Some experiences in life must be faced, some accepted, and some adjusted in some way(s), but either way, change is made and progress continues to flow, whether we like it or not.  There is no getting around the rush of time, and damming it will only make pressure build, like a reservoir, creating increasing pressure until it is released in some way.  Down stream, there might be opportunities withering with the loss of that gift.  Sometimes we can't even know what is down there, because it is simply planted and waiting for the time it can be nourished.

        What is holding us back, my friends?  Well, there is obviously fear... but of what?  Perhaps we fear change, itself, but we might also fear the unknown, and how things will turn out.  What will it be?  What will others think of it?  Will we be able to handle or take care of it?  Will we be forever changed, and unable to adapt?  There are an infinite number of things that could hold us back, but really, it usually boils down to fear.  

        The thing is, we don't have to break the dam, all at once.  Maybe we just remove a piece, here and there, to allow things to flow, but not become a deluge?  Perhaps we clear a corner of our home and organize it a bit, for instance?  We might gather materials we might need to begin a new project?  We could ask someone for help, even just ideas to start?  Possibly just start writing down brainstorming ideas, and see where it goes and how it develops?  Why not pick up that application, or start looking for requirements, and go from there?  Could be adding one glass of water to a day, or taking the stairs instead of the elevator?

        Whatever it is that needs to change, our hearts will nudge us, and if we are listening, we might find that the process isn't as scary nor painful as we thought.  You probably already have something in mind, reading this, and your mind is trying to figure out how on earth it could follow what your heart is already saying is your direction!  Sometimes it comes as something out of our control, breaking through pieces of our dam, washing away debris we weren't emotionally ready to let go, but whether we like it or not, life will continue to flow, and we must learn how to flow with it, instead of trying to capture it and hold on for dear life.

        My friends, I believe in us.  Some days I feel like I believe in you more than I believe in me... but that's kind of the way life works sometimes.  But I think if we can keep trying to keep things clear and freely flowing, we can discover new opportunities that we had no idea could be so wonderful.  Well, we can certainly hope!

        Better days ahead, my friends!
©The Phoenix and The Butterfly

©The Phoenix and The Butterfly

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