Monday, April 16, 2018

Pondering the Music, and the Silence

        I've come to know a lot of amazing people on my crazy journey with the PB Project.  Some far, more advanced in their suffering, and some just trying to get by.  And of course, all kinds in-between.

        Nearly all have inspired me; many have supported me; and some have given me the gift of allowing me to support them, too.  Some I think I've loved more than they had the capacity to love me in return, but let me love them anyway; and some simply came and went for some reason or another.  Often someone has taught me more than either of us could have expected.

        But really, isn't that what life is about?  We meet; we interact; we attempt meaning; and whatever experiences we have with each other, we carry them with us in one way or another.  Some just resonate a little more than others; our melodies and harmonies providing the silent soundtrack of our lives.

        And what happens in those moments when we disconnect and find our own music is all we hear - or more, we find ourselves alone in the silence?  What do we do then?  Some panic; some fill it with noise or blue light; some pray; some meditate...

We find out who we are, and what,
as we fall into those moments we cannot escape ourselves.

        I guess I've learned a lot the past, few years or so, more than I thought I was capable of handling, and certainly more than I've wanted.  I've seen a lot of people find a lot of different ways to face those moments, for whatever it came to be worth.  I have no idea how well I do it, but I'm grateful that sometimes I get to connect, these days, in whatever form that takes.  I'm not sure if I would have managed it all if not for those little, silver sparkles along the way that mean more than a person thinks would.

        And maybe that's what I'm trying to say.  Maybe what I'm trying to say is that doing the little things you don't think matter could mean all the balance in the world to a person who feels ready to topple at any moment.  We all have those moments - I sure know I have enough of them.  I would imagine you do, too.  We're all just hobbling around, doing our best to stay upright in this world, once we decide which way is Up, for us.  We can only do our best, but when we do our best together, you could say that the whole is greater than the parts could do, alone, just like a symphony.  The music gives us life; the silence gives us meaning.

        If that matters enough.  If we can make it matter enough.

        Better days ahead, my friends!

©The Phoenix and The Butterfly

©The Phoenix and The Butterfly

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