Sunday, November 18, 2018

Personal Power and Responsibility in Social Media

        You know, there are times I stare at the screen, finding or thinking something I'd like to share with the people I love, but I just don't have the mental, emotional, nor physical strength and energy to deal with how social media affects people sometimes; including people I love.

        I have to think about how it will be received; if I know if anyone who might be hurt or otherwise react negatively; and if I'm up to handling whatever could come from someone else's negative response. Even though it's my space to share whatever I feel is important, I have to be concerned with whether or not my sharing something there will end up with someone virtually leaving my life because they don't like it, and if that matters to me.

        There are those who share whatever the blast they want, no matter who might be hurt/etc;  those who aim to start fights, even if it's just to get any response at all; those who pour every emotion/experience onto their space, hoping someone will care enough to respond in a way they want; those who post only things/sides of them they want to be the most accepted, or they feel the most acceptable, usually so they'll have someone shower them in the love they don't feel for themselves and/or from others they want to have love them. There are also those passive-aggressive posts, often in a form like, "vaguebooking," that aim to trigger someone in particular, but rarely do as intended (though that's a topic for another post, another day). There are those who rarely post at all, for whatever reason. There are those who use social media as a platform to soapbox, promote their agendas, or brag. And there are people who share things they think might brighten someone's day, get them to think, educate them, help them understand something better, etc. - basically trying to use social media as a way of contributing to the lives of their loved ones in a positive, constructive way.

        And all of these can be said of the comments so many make to these posts. Someone might care, or they might not, and they may or may not want or intend to express it through responding. And it might or might not be received that way. It's far, more complex than it might seem.

        Don't get me wrong: I'm not really giving an opinion nor critique on anyone's posts nor comments in particular. I've just been thinking a lot about how we sometimes miscommunicate and/or don't think before we speak. It's so easy to let the lack of presence we feel behind the screen to allow us to forget that those are people about whom we might otherwise care and love, sharing or reading what we share.

        So perhaps before sharing something or commenting on social media, ask yourself, "What am I actually trying to do/say when I share this?" This does go for those who represent projects, organizations, companies, etc., too. When I share things/comment on responses on the PB Facebook Community Page, I sincerely hope my intent comes through properly as intended. I realize there is no way to balance every culture, and some cultures have things that grind against the feelings and/or sensibilities of others, and we can't always help that. I try to remain polite, respectful, and compassionate when possible, even when I share what I hope will be seen as fun, humorous posts. "We can't win them all," as they say, but we can try.

        And yes, I consider, because I care.

        Better days ahead, my friends!

©The Phoenix and The Butterfly

©The Phoenix and The Butterfly

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