Monday, June 24, 2013

Every Day Is A Different Flavor of Crazy

Anyone who really knows me, knows I say that line, or a variation thereof, a lot.

"How are you doing today?"
"Crazy as the day is long, thanks!"

        Some days, that's just my way of answering the traditional greeting in a creative way.  After all, I think it's good to give people a little shake out of their same-ol' routine.  Nearly every time, I'll see them pause for a second, then laugh because it's not exactly an answer people generally expect!  It's good for the brain to get out of routines.  So really, I'm just doing my part to save people I meet from dementia!

        Other days, that silly answer hits a bit closer to the truth.  Personally, I am not afraid of the C-word, and I certainly don't mind calling myself by it!  After all, I am certified, and I might as well make use if the certification, right?

        If the day feels a bit sour, bitter, stale or rancid, sometimes the reply is my way of diverting attention of those whom I'm not really sure actually care.  If someone asks how you're doing, there is usually a fairly distinct difference between the common greeting and someone actually wanting to know.  No sense in spending precious and limited time, energy and emotional resources explaining something to someone who doesn't really want the info.  Might as well just make them laugh, since that's probably what they need at that moment, anyway!

        After that last post about the Did It List, I was thinking how I've managed to have pretty strong days since, for the most part.  If I had listed the things I got done, I'd be pretty impressed with myself.  It probably wouldn't be lists that would impress many others, but for me, those two days were good ones.

        So today, I had great plans!  I have a list of non-imperative things I'd like to accomplish, and try to work on an item every day, even if its only part of a step and I don't get far.  I figure, at least I'm getting something done toward having that list move from Want To, to the Did It!

        However, Life and Irony have this funny relationship.  When they get together, one never knows how things will turn out!  And today was one of those days that have bland, and slightly sour, flavors.  Not much getting done, and mostly just lying here, resting for the most part.

        But really, that only goes to show, that if one keeps the Did It list, at the end of the day, things don't feel quite as bad, and the day doesn't feel as wasted.  I'm glad for that!  I hope you can be in your own situation, too!

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