Thursday, September 26, 2013

Is It What It Is?

"It is what it is."

Ugh. How that line drives me bonkers!  I know the line means well, but still!

Why does It have to be the way It is?  Is that all It can ever be?  Can It really never be any different than what It is?  Can It never spread its wings and learn to fly?  Is It doomed to be forever what It is?

What if It has hopes and dreams that are beyond what It is?  What if It wants to be something more?  What if It wants to change the world, but all It needs is someone to believe in Its potential?  What if nobody ever believes?  What if It spends its entire existence waiting for someone to believe in It?

What if It feels alone and unloved, lacking in self-esteem, and no one ever comes along to prove It wrong?  What if It never finds anyone who shows It that It matters, they care about It, and that It's worth it?  What if It never knows what it is to be loved?

What if It has talent and/or skills that nobody thinks are worth exploring?  What if nobody gives It a chance?  What if all It needs is a chance to prove itself?  What if that chance could be enough to amaze us, and make us wonder how we ever lived without It? What if It was exactly what is needed, but we are too closed-minded to give It an opportunity to show us?

Why is It what It is?  Is Its failure to be more, part of Its own choice, or is it a failing on the part of those around It?  Do you think It's sad that we think It's all that It is?

It may be what It is right now, but It doesn't have to be that way forever.

Better day tomorrow, my friends.

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