Sunday, May 31, 2015

A Sum of All the Parts. All of Them.

        There are a very few people whom I've told this, directly, but... I must admit, those people deserve the gratitude of anyone whose life as been positively affected in any way by my existence.  Because it is thanks to those people that I still remain in existence here in life, and if anyone is glad I'm around, then they need to be glad those few people have helped keep me around.

        Hmm... this hasn't been intended as a heavy post... but surprises do happen.  I could blame it on a very taxing week; I guess we'll have to see what falls out of my head, hmm?

        Well, now, let's see what I've got going on, here.  I found a lovely quote that speaks very closely to a series of thoughts I've had for a very long time, which I reflect from that first paragraph.  

I am the sum total of everything that went before me, of all I have been seen done, of everything done-to-me. I am everyone everything whose being-in-the-world affected was affected by mine. I am anything that happens after I'm gone which would not have happened if I had not come.

~ Salman Rushdie

        Does this one make sense to you?  The wording may seem a bit convoluted, so perhaps it's good to break it down a bit. I'm actually rather good at getting confusing, too, so pardon me if I simply do a fantastic job of making it more so, rather than being helpful!

        Basically, let's say a friend of mine, John, happens to be a very kind soul who saved me from drowning.  That would mean that if I was to have helped anyone else, then the only way I could was because I was still around, thanks to John's being so caring and helpful.  If John hadn't have helped me, then I wouldn't be there to help anyone else, so... it is thanks to him that I could.  Those people who have helped me survive those difficult moments in life are priceless to those to whom I give help.

        Before that, though, I had to exist, at all.  So, for instance, those who helped save my father when he was young and in an unfortunate incident involving a blasting cap and some really naive boys, must be thanked if I do anything good for anyone, because if he hadn't survived to the point I could be born, then I wouldn't be around for that reason, either.

        If I save someone else from a life/death situation, and they go on to help someone else, then John and those people who saved my father are simply part of a chain of love and good works that will continue as long as the next link in the chain forms.  It could be infinite, and all interwoven.  My choices are able to be made because the people and events which affected me and my life, and those things that come as a result of those things, and my choices, are part of it all.  These things can be positive, negative, or neutral, people or experiences (or lack thereof), but they all combine in their own way, on the chain.

        I hope I'm making sense here.  Unfortunately, for me to know, I'll have to publish this thing and hope for questions, comments or other feedback, and you are always welcome to comment here, below, or on the PB Facebook Community Page.  And therefore you'll become a part of the chain of anything that comes after your addition!

        Knowing that we are a part of something bigger - perhaps a fabric, if many chains are used (or strings, threads...whatever) - would that influence our choices?  If we knew that the choice we make right this very moment, or the one right after we finish with this post, could make all the difference in The Grand Scheme of Things, would we choose more carefully?  I'm not meaning that we need to get all panicky about it, and freak out about how to know if we've made the "right" choice, though.  I simply mean that if we were to know that we have influence on the future, would we not try to choose toward a better, brighter future?

        I could leap into some rant about saving the ___, but that isn't where I sit.  You already filled in the blank with something, yourself, and so you are already aware that there is something out there which you could influence, with enough conviction, effort and assistance.  I don't really consider that the focus of my being here, composing these posts.  I've tried, even on the FB Page, to keep things relatively neutral on the main, though I do have my soft spots that have always been a part of the PB Project, like mental/emotional health, rare/chronic pain and illness, and so on... things that I feel affect more than many would believe, and since people are my heart's focus, helping people understand that they are not alone is a huge part of the Project's intent.

        We don't have to dedicate every moment of every day to the saving of everything - in reality, we mostly just have to focus on doing what we can.  If we can do one, little thing that helps one person in a day, then great!  If that person happens to be ourselves, and that is the best we can do for that day, then that is a valid accomplishment.  If we can do more, then, goodness, let's do more!  Everything is not our responsibility; little things, here and there, are - mostly just our own thoughts, words, actions and behaviors.  If we can keep those positive, hopeful and helpful, then good will come in time.

        I hope something good comes from this, but that is up to you.

        Better days ahead, my friends!

©The Phoenix and The Butterfly

©The Phoenix and The Butterfly

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