Monday, September 29, 2014

Gratitude for Gratitude Regarding Gratitude!

        I'm really grateful for this week's topic, my friends!  In fact, it comes with such perfect timing, I actually laughed when I opened my copy of "Motivational Mondays" for this week's challenge and read the section!  Why is that, you ask?...

        Because this week, my post on the PB Facebook community page, not an hour before I read the topic, was a plea for suggestions regarding the possibility of some kind of event or project that could help center and direct ourselves to gratitude!

        You see, I'm a big fan of finding ways to celebrate love and gratitude...everywhere and in every opportunity that is *not* a culturally-prescribed and sanctioned one!  Don't get me wrong; birthdays, anniversaries and holidays are lovely, and I'm all for celebrating their purpose!  But I'm not really into celebrating their purpose (the acknowledgement of life, love, memories, etc.), if the only time we do it, is when it is expected of us!

        To me, if you haphazardly throw a gift at someone (figuratively or literally), telling them to have a nice day or congrats or whatever, just in honor of the fact that the date is assigned significance to get a gift, card, food item, party, or what have you, you're as much saying "You qualify as significant enough for me to add you to my calendar as an assigned task to get you something because I'm supposed to," as anything more *warm-fuzzy*.

        We're pragmatic, at our house.  If we want something, we go to each other and say something like, "Hon, I'd like to get ___."  There will usually be explanation, and opinion by the other given, and the situation process accordingly.  We don't do many surprises - we learned that lesson, years ago.  You might be able to take it back, but you'll have spent the gas money on a wasted trip...better to just be honest and celebrate each other whenever the moment happens, don't you think?  "Sure, let's go see ___, because I know you want to see it and we don't see stuff very often.  It's a nice treat for both of us (whether I actually want to see it, or not)!"

*steps off soap box, and gets on with the point of the post*

        This is the chosen quote for this week:

"As each day comes to us refreshed and anew, so does my gratitude renew itself daily. The breaking of the sun over the horizon is my grateful heart dawning upon a blessed world." 
~ Terri Guillemets

        Now, if that isn't a lovely snippet of poetry, I'm not sure what is!  I can just feel the breath of cool, dawn air as the sun comes to greet the world!  And despite my not finding myself up at dawn these days,  I still remember what it is like to have my heartbeat quickened by the rush of vibrancy in the light of dawn!

        And bringing along the question for Week 35's challenge:

What are you grateful for, right now?

        Well, Christine, let's see... I try to be grateful for something, every day, though I don't always, actually make a specific effort of pointing things out!  As Hon and I discussed the aforementioned post on FB, I tried to find an example of the idea I've tried to encourage in the past, about finding gratitude for things in a rather random sense, with this idea:

        I suddenly thought about shower curtain rings, meaning the little things that hold up the shower curtain on the rod.  "I'm grateful for shower curtain rings.  They hold up the curtain, and I appreciate that, because without them, there would be little way of holding up said curtain, and that would make a mess...."  I then went on into thorough, slightly melodramatic detail, because anything truly worth doing is worth doing truly well! *smirks*

        In the post, I've had some wonderful responses, and have really loved them all!  It would be uplifting and life-affirming, to have such an experience again!  I suppose that means I could possibly use this as my answer to the question, then!

        I'm grateful for the things people find worthy of gratitude, and their willingness to share them!  And I'm glad they feel they can share them, because that is a huge compliment, to me, as well as the community as a whole!  What a beautiful gift, their sharing gratitude with me/us!

        So there you have it! I hope this gives you reason to consider what YOU find worthy of gratitude, now!

        Better days ahead, my friends!

©The Phoenix and The Butterfly

©The Phoenix and The Butterfly

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