Monday, June 23, 2014

I Can Do This. I Am Doing This!

        What do the words, "confident optimism", mean to you?  I was watching a movie, full of the antics of a man who, while being a bit narcissistic and quirky, is nevertheless brilliant and successful at his endeavors.  He could never imagine being unsuccessful at anything he put his mind to, and is usually quite surprised when things aren't quite what he surmised.

        Can you believe we're at Week 21 of this personal challenge?  I've been really glad I came upon Christine Morgan's "Motivational Mondays" book, and that she so kindly gave me permission to use it, here; it has provided me a way to focus every week on something positive, but it has also helped me keep focused with the PB Project, as I'd been searching for a way to keep something positive, yet realistic, going with the blog.  I'd say it has given me that!

"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.
Nothing can be done without hope and confidence."

~ Helen Keller

        After explaining her reasoning for this section, Christine then adds:

Believe it, know it, feel it, speak it.
What can you do to have optimism and confidence this week?

        Good question, Christine! To be frank, optimism and confidence may appear to be among my strongest traits (so have some of you said), but in reality, this entire Project has been one of my greatest tests of both! The friends and whanau who inspired me to create the Facebook page were supportive enough to join me on this path, but my optimism and confidence were lacking to the point I almost gave up, in humiliation, as soon as a dark moment sank me into pessimism and despair, and it seemed this thing was getting nowhere. It may be needless to say, but it kinda started taking off!

In fact, I realized early this morning, 
that June marks the 1 year mark since the Project officially began
THAT shocked me - this thing has lasted an entire year?!  
Well, there's a milestone, for you!

What's more, the number of "Likes" on that page's stats have gone from 
the 10 or so 
who encouraged me to create that little place 
where they could share their positive energy...

Has nearly reached 1000
and just might do so by the end of the month! 

        Every time I see the number grow, I'm astounded! How's that for honesty? ;-) I recently happened to connect with a new guide, with a slightly different focus than my former one. She's more of a general focus, rather than pain and such, specifically. But I've a fairly decent feeling about her, so we'll see how it goes, right? While rather tired of the continual shifting, perhaps I've learned as much as I could from the former, and need to keep an open mind.

What am I saying? 

        There you go...I'm supposed to be doing the confidence and optimism thing, right? ;-)

        I guess there's the direction I need to aim, this week. Even if life keeps dragging / throwing / drudging / spitting up new challenges, there is always room to accept the challenges and face them, head-on, instead of just letting them continually smack me upside the head. And, while I'm not feeling all that confident, nor optimistic, that would be why this is a personal challenge, and not just a chance to double up humiliating myself and practicing my writing skills!

        So there you go. That's what I've got, this week. Love it, hate it, take it or leave it, all I've done is offer it, and maybe it will at least give someone an idea or two. That is actually the point of this whole thing...honest.

        Better days ahead, my friends.

©The Phoenix and The Butterfly

©The Phoenix and The Butterfly

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